Kölsch Glass Bottle 750ml
Kölsch Glass Bottle 750ml
◆Limited◆ Unfortunately the yeast we use for the Kölsch has been discoutinued, so until we test and find a suitable replacement yeast the remaining stock is all we have.
A classic German beer originating in Cologne, a Kölsch is brewed like an ale, then conditioned like a Lager. Clear and bright with a beautiful golden straw colour, our Kölsch is brewed to be as close and true to what you will find in Germany. This beer is dry, crisp and refreshing, bittered with earthy and herbal noble hops, with a unique fruit character from the Yeast. A perfect summer drop!
5.2% Alc/Vol - 750ml - 3.1 Standard drinks
*Slight variation in alcohol content may occur between batches ±0.3%
This is a reusable bottle, for more details on how to swap and get a discount please visit our Reusable Vessels page
Glass bottles are for pickup and local delivery only